Sunday, October 14, 2012

"Hell" Week - The Curious Savage

I am exhausted.
This week is "hell" week, according to the theatre. I actually didn't  accept that definition, being optimistic like I am, and I decided that it was going to be a good week.
The play's opening night is Thursday and we have three more days of shows before its over--what could possibly go wrong? Am I right?
Funny isn't it? That I should get sick the week of? And I think I'm fine till the day before opening night, and suddenly, the last practice my voice almost completely leaves--oh, but it's enough there that I can squeak and have my voice crack in the middle of speaking. And, the director was already telling me I needed to speak louder...
So, current count at this point: headache, sore throat, having to perform and be crazy while being sick.
And, I don't mean to keep complaining, because this must be annoying but I need sleep and a new voice--anybody know where to get one of those--and some stinkin' time. That'd be nice.
Also, I hate being a girl.
All I'm going to say.

So, it'd be great to have a foot or back rub right about now, and if I could sleep and not have to go to class in the morning. That sounds great.


Of course this wouldn't actually post but go into drafts! Isn't that just dandy? Ha. Ha. Ha.
But, it's really ok. The Curious Savage is over. Hopefully everyone got to come see it! I think we did great. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. 
I learned how to be loud. Is that weird? I'm too quiet and this was good for me to be forced into being goofy and loud when I'm not comfortable. I shouldn't care but people think!
But, I'm glad that I'll actually have time to do my stinking homework, now. I will definitely feel like I have all the time in the world! 

And guess what cold/flu/whatever-you-were: I defeated you! HA. NyQuil and DayQuil and cough drops KILLED YOU! You have no power over me!