Always expecting something great to happen...
Some stranger to recognize the greatness that you yourself had not fully seen or understood.
You look down at your hands in front of you. The palms facing upward; the fingers slightly curling in. There is power in those hands.
Your hands.
They’re yours...
They’re real...
...You’re real.
Why does life seem so bland? Where is the greatness? You look around you. Realizing you’re looking at a computer screen. The keys on the keyboard sitting there. The people around you--upstairs or downstairs; across the street or walking past you--they go about their lives. Everyday. They carry on.
Do you ever find yourself wondering why things aren’t extraordinary? How did life--as in day-to-day living--become so much just about...getting by? Where is the greatness?
Where is the fulfillment of dreams? How many people are on this Earth? More than 6 billion? Almost 7? And how many people have walked on this planet before us?
Graves scatter our grounds. They fill our earth. Marked and
I find myself getting sad whenever I pass cemetaries. So many dreams. So many thoughts. So many...attempts to “live”.
So much potential, but so much failure...
I’m not saying that people don’t do great things. Everyone does. We all affect those around us and it makes a bigger impact then we realize. Always changing our peers and our family. Constantly coming into contact with people.
Do you ever feel like you were meant for more?
Having some sort of extraordinary power?
Averageness and blandness have grayed our world.
Where are the colors?
Where is the greatness?
In me?
Is it in these open hands in front of me...?
Why am I still droning on day-to-day like life is supposed to be just this.
I have a greater purpose then video games; then this computer in front of me; then the art I can create; then the words I can compose...
I’m not entirely sure what that greater purpose is yet.
...I hope it’s great.
...because I feel like I have greatness in me. Sure, you may think I’m great. But, really? Greatness. It’s something grander then you think...
It’s exciting. It’s purpose. It’s life.
I’m not exactly sure what I’m saying.
It’s just how I’m feeling.
I’m happy; I’m content; I’m smiling; I may be deep in thought--in feeling--but I’m not depressed or feeling useless. I feel inspired.
I have the potential of greatness.
The kind of greatness that only dreams make real.
Can it be real?
Can the amazing images of the imagination come true? Can they be brought into the world?
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