Saturday, April 23, 2011

Where My Feet Take Me.

Its an amazing feeling, the feeling of just wanting to walk. To walk anywhere with no plan.... just to see where my feet take me.

But I'm boxed in. I can't even, for no reason... say, walk to the store, for example. It's too far from my house for my parent's comfort. Hahaha.
And I just can't walk down the road. It would look like I'm running away, which I don't have any intentions to.
I can't walk through fields because, they're fenced in.
I want to, though.
...Leave everything behind and just walk.
It would be an adventure.

But I can't. I have responsiblity and there are too many dangers.
Maybe one day, I'll go backpacking through Europe with friends. (I'd make sure we'd have some guys, they'd protect us, right?) :D That would be pretty amazing.

Hm. I feel like I can't convey how it strong it feels to just start walking, like I can't describe it.

Well, I was thinking about this as I was walking through some nieghborhoods and I was heading toward the elementary school close-by because the path to get there is in this beautiful, cool forest.

A story began to form in my head. Of, stumbling apon a meeting of bad guys and I'm suddenly pursued because I saw them. I was thinking of my excuse to keep them from killing me by saying, "It's too cliche!" And the dumb henchman would be confused and I'd explain that killing someone to shut them up is used too much, and that my body would be found and the police would be more fired up to find out what happened to me. The leader, who would be handsome by the way (;D), is impressed. He decides he could use me...

Sidenote: Is it strange that I've always been the kind of girl that wants the bad guy to like me? Like, not like in real life, but in fairy-tales and super-hero comics/movies. The bad guy wants me, takes me, but the good guy saves me. It's the fantasy of my life. Hahaha! ;)

--But, the story forming in my head was cut short by being pulled back into stupid reality where people do short-sighted things. I came across these 3 middle-schoolers sitting on the side of the path with cigarettes. And their expressions, oh my gosh. They stared at me like I was some sort of idiot. Me. Wow. They must think they're pretty hot stuff. It's really sad, actually. I... just can feel how much they don't care about anything. I'm kinda disapointed.
Life is so simple and yet so complex. I wish people didn't just do things because they think it's cool. Or... to just rebel against their parents, or to just feel better about themselves. You only have one life. Come on. One.
I mean, that's... insane. One.

I guess I'm glad that I realize and understand that. It makes me want to take risks. And at the same time, it makes me cautious and the want to do things right. But, I still don't entirely "live" it. If you've read some of my posts before, you'll know I struggle with putting myself out there and talking to people.
Which is silly. Cuz I do understand that I have one life.

I don't want to waste it... and, I want to walk...

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